Welcome to The Wedding of
We are getting married!
September 18th, 2021 | 07:30 WIB
We’re getting hitched,
and we’d be delighted if you could join our virtual wedding!
Panduan Penggunaan Situs (Bahasa Indonesia):
Terima kasih atas kehadiran Bapak/Ibu secara virtual pada acara pernikahan kami.
Kami memohon maaf karena tidak dapat mengundang secara fisik akibat pandemi COVID-19.
1. Klik ke kanan 1x untuk memberikan kesan pesan pada "Guest Book"
2. Klik ke kanan 2x apabila Bapak/Ibu ingin memberikan hadiah pernikahan pada bagian "E-Gift"
3. Klik ke kanan 3x untuk mengikuti prosesi pernikahan secara virtual pada bagian "Livestream"
Terima kasih.
English Version:
Your presence on our wedding day means the world to us. Thank you for being here.
We apologize for not being able to invite you to come and celebrate our wedding in person, due to the COVID-19 restrictions.
Let us know you're here by filling in the "Guest Book" and watch the entire wedding through the "Livestream" section.
Should you wish to honor us with a gift, you can send it through our "E-Gift" section.
Thank you very much!
Sedang Memuat Komentar..
Mohon geser ke bawah untuk mengakses siaran langsung pernikahan
I. Akad Nikah/Religious Matrimony
Adat Sunda/in Sundanese Attire
07.30 - 07.50
Pembukaan/Opening & Sambutan/Welcome Speeches
07.50 - 08.30
Akad Nikah/Religious Matrimony
08.30 - 08.40
Prosesi Sungkeman/Asking for forgiveness from elders
08.40 - 09.00
Foto Keluarga/Family Pictures
II. Resepsi/Reception
Adat Palembang/in Palembangnese Attire
11.00 - 11.15
Prosesi kedatangan pengantin/Cultural welcoming ceremony to the bride and groom
Note: There will be a special performance by the Bride dancing to the traditional Tari Pagar Pengantin, which has a very special meaning in Palembangnese culture
11.15 - 11.25
Pembukaan dan Sambutan/Opening and Welcome Speeches
11.25 - 11.45
Sesi foto keluarga/Photo session
11.45 - onwards
Ramah tamah/Lunch
Thank you for being a part of our special moment!